Kvantify Logistical Optimisation

The transport, travel, and logistics sectors are ideal candidates for quantum computing optimization. The enormous amount of data makes it difficult, if not impossible, for ordinary computers to calculate the most efficient solution without applying many constraints.

Therefore, a very central question for business leaders these days is: Is your company quantum ready?

Many experts, not just our own, predict that quantum computers will be ready for logistical optimisation in just a few years.  

That’s why we offer two solutions:

  1. Helping your company become quantum ready with specially designed quantum optimisation software.
  2. A classical solution to offer value for your company here and now.

Typical logistical challenges

Some of the most common complex computational challenges that most companies face with their transport and logistics are:

  • Inefficient resource management
  • Bottlenecks or over/understocking
  • Ineffective unloading and loading
  • Complex implementation for maintenance and quality control
  • Constrained routing
  • Imprecise last mile delivery

The value of our logistical solutions

We have built a unique competence within logistical optimisation based on an unmatched team of experts. This can create value for your company through:

  • Cost reduction as a result of better resource allocation
  • Improved Efficiency with a faster and more accurate inventory management
  • Optimised delivery networks with improved route optimisation and vehicle routing
  • A key priority for many companies, when working with ESG, is minimising fuel consumption – and optimising routes is a powerful tool in this process
  • Enhanced customer satisfaction by faster order fulfilment, accurate demand forecasting, and improved delivery performance

We can prepare your business for the future with quantum-ready solutions while also optimizing your operations today through our high-performance computing (HPC) capabilities.

If you face the challenges outlined above or are interested in how quantum computing can transform your business, don't hesitate to reach out.

In the meantime, discover how Kvantify successfully optimized routes for one of Europe’s leading companies in traffic management systems, geographic information systems (GIS), and transportation for the disabled.