Kvantify x Frogne
Route optimisation

Frogne, founded in 1973, is one of Europe's leading developers of traffic management systems and specialized solutions within geographic information systems (GIS) and transportation for people with disabilities.

Increased computational
Reduced calculation time
from minutes
to milliseconds
Improved calculation capability
to process more routes


As Frogne grew, it faced increasingly complex problems due to the scale of computational data. Despite adequate computing power, their methods couldn't solve these issues.

Frogne also wanted to stay ahead by becoming quantum-ready. Quantum computers excel at solving complex problems like route planning, which becomes exponentially harder with more variables. Frogne aimed to be ready for quantum hardware.

The challenges Frogne faced were:

  1. Upscaling route planning for larger vehicles.
  2. Computing larger routes every morning.
  3. Integrating new software without disrupting existing processes.
  4. Lacking knowledge of the upcoming quantum software revolution in route planning.


Kvantify operates solution-oriented, regularly conducting workshops with customers and presenting results. If our progress addresses their problems, we know we're on the right track. This ensures our solutions fit the customer, rather than forcing the customer to fit the solution.


For Frogne, we designed classical and quantum computational solutions through this approach.


The process provided Frogne with:


  1. Validated code against a commercial reference solver.
  2. Code delivered as a Service Development Kit, easily integrated into existing software, with support for adjustments.
  3. Workshops on the potential of quantum software and computing.
  4. A quantum-ready algorithm based on Kvantify's patented Fast VQE.


Our solution was custom-made to fit the software into Frogne's working routines - not the other way around.

"I didn't get what I expected - I got what I needed - and more. This was due to two things: the way Kvantify and Frogne collaborated through solution-oriented workshop sessions, and, of course, the fact that Kvantify has an incredibly skilled team."

Kaare Frogne


When we finished the project, Frogne achieved:

  1. The software can now calculate and plan up to 1,000 times more daily routes.
  2. The maximum number of passengers per vehicle is no longer an issue.
  3. Calculation time reduced from minutes to milliseconds.
  4. A VQE-based quantum route planning tool was implemented and tested.


Kvantify's enhancements enable Frogne to manage complex needs and larger passenger loads, improving customer satisfaction and strengthens Frogne's market position. Additionally, Frogne is now quantum-ready for future technological advancements.